Monday 27 May 2013

What lurks beneath? Nae worries the Sheriffs will Seize them!

I'm addicted right now! Loving my days off and my Sky + box, Why? Well its down to two reasons; "River Monsters" and "The Sheriff's are Coming". Watched every show of both these tele programmes.

(River Monsters)

River Monsters is basically a show where the main guy (Jeremy Wade) goes out and hunts down the 'monsters' of the worlds rivers. He tracks stories and tales of giant and killer fish and goes to extreme lengths to catch them, no matter how 'rare' or difficult they are to find. I've read up on the show, it has a lot of critics but to be honest, I'm not really bothered by how 'inaccurate' or 'false' the show is, its great telly!

Jeremy Wade is a nutter! I remember the 'Piranha' episode and the mental-case gets in a swimming pool alongside an entire pack of piranha, I mean, who does that!? Obviously it was to prove a point that they are not the cold hearted killers as portrayed in hollywood blockbusters like 'Piranha' which was a horrifically terrible film :/

Its crazy to think some of these fish live in the water. I'm Scottish so I know of the legend of teh 'Loch Ness Monster' or "Nessy" as we all call him, but soem of the 'creatures' he pulls out of the water are terrifying. He's holding a piranha in the picture above (not a red-bellied one, another one, look at the fangs :S).

Overall, the show is great! The main guy as I said is one heck of a character, the camera work is superb and the fish caught are crazy!

I'm not exactly a fish-lover or an angler so its strange that i'm enjoying the show so much, maybe its the natural fear and wonder of "What is out there?"

You can CATCH this show on ITV. (See what I did there?)

(The Sheriffs are Coming)

My other favourite show right now involves County sheriffs chasing up wrong-dooers for payment of owed money. The show is good, I wouldn't say better than River Monsters, but they are totally different shows. Like River Monsters I have watched every show available, addict! I love watching the 'bad guy' getting pulled up and having to pay up! Basically things like "A builder took the money but didn't finish the job" and work tribunal related stories are the main topics of the show. Sheriff's have greater powers than bailiffs and can get in to properties and seize goods if the target doesn't pay up. The guys involved in this program are characters as well, usually good for a laugh and know their stuff!

You can catch this show on the BBC

Thats all today, I'm off to the Florida to catch some snakeheads with Jeremy Wade! Thats a fish btw!

Monday 20 May 2013

Overwhelmed. Needing any help with blogging?

This is just a post to say thank you really. I started this blog after a university module in e-marketing. From that I created and this. I learned how to track view and visits and I found it quite exciting. That is ultimately why I started the track visits where they came from and why. Sifting through the data and info I can see that the blog has generated a great response and for that I say thanks to all who visited and read my nonsense. It really is overwhelming.

I have learned so much from both projects...if anyone needs help with starting a blog or tracking and generating track for it then do not hesitate to ask questions. I have found it is a good way of communicating and letting off steam...a way to get what is bothering you off your chest. It really does help.

So if you need some advice on Blogging or SEO or even digital marketing..I am willing to discuss it with anyone...I am by no means an expert however.

Get in touch through twitter @GrantKFraser or my email

Thanks folks

G x

Monday 13 May 2013

Bring back the 'BOWL' Mullet Haircut!

What is it about a haircut? To me, there's not many feelings like having your hair cut. Its a weird thing, I've spoken to some people who agree that whenever you get a fresh hair cut, you don't just get a new hair cut but also, it would appear you become more attentive, focussed and motivated. That might sound strange but honestly I believe this to be true. I had my hair cut on Sunday, since then I've managed to apply for numerous jobs, focus on my studies for my exam and generally feel more positive. With a new hair cut comes a feeling of freshness, I'm more organised, clean cut (in hair and in mind) and I'm definitely more focussed. You may be reading this thinking I'm nuts, fair enough. Honestly though, try and realise/look out for these kind of traits after your next hair cut.

Now I have very fair blonde hair. I've had so many styles throughout my childhood, going back to the classic 'BOWL Mullet' like cut when I was young to the the clean sideshed of today. Hair styles change all the time, things change all the time, thats soemthing I find pretty cool.

I love a hair-cut is basically what I'm saying!

For fun:

(BOWL Mullet cut, back in the day)

(Fresh cut)
Thanks folks
G x

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Drink Responsibly

I went up-town for a friend's 21st on Sunday (Bank Holiday Weekend). We all went to Kushion in Glasgow where we had a private booth. We all had a cracking night, knocking back the drinks and getting a dance in here and there (most dancing took place on the booth table!). It was the aftermath though that inspired this post.

I haven't put up a blog in a few days, thats because on the Monday (and through to today) the last thing I wanted to do was write a blog! The hangover was probably the worst one to date! We normally hit the drink hard on a night out but on Sunday I must have had about 5 different types of drink. I started off with a Mojito pre-mixed Bacardi bottle which was 14.9%, it wasn't nice at all, I had to add Lemonade to make it drinkable! (Cheers Pouty McPouterpants for the Lemonade).

Then it was on to Nico's Bar on Sauchiehall Street for more pre-drinks. Races for drinking their 'Adios M****rF****r' (A mixed drink of vodka, gin, tequila & blue carracau) were not a bright idea looking back. After having two of them I had 2 jagerbombs after that. Looking at it now, can't even believe we got in to Kushion, must have been a riot by the time 11.300 came around.

Then Kushion itself, one of my favourite clubs in Glasgow. Usually go on a Tuesday for their 'Juicy Tuesdays' night as its always packed and a good night. This was a special Kushion vs Tingle (Tingle Shooter Bar, Glasgow) night. Tingle were in the house and naturally we had some of their shots on offer. Then on to the regular Vodka Lemonades for the rest of the night. The rest of the nights a bit of a blur, can only rememebr dancing on the booth table sure.

What I do remember is the Monday. Felt ill, don't normally suffer from hangovers, but this was somethingelse. Can rememeber getting 'SnapChats' all day from everybody, just non-stop pictures of 'dead' looking people. Everybody hit it hard and suffered too. What a night though, great times and celebrating the Pouters birthday was good.

Happy Birthday Scotty Pout Face!

Thanks folks

G x

Sunday 5 May 2013

Rollercoaster Gillette Soccer Saturday! (4th May 2013)

Saturday is football day. Other than going to watch the teams we all love and support we have the alternative of Gillette Soccer Saturday on Sky Sports (if you pay for it that is sorry). In general, the show doesn't have much meaning, that is until you have a coupon / punt on at the bookies. I love a weekend punt on the football. £2-£5 bets here and there, nothing too serious. A coupon has to be worth some value though, I try to tell others, you wont get the same buzz or thrill in a coupon thats worth £20, but go after the hundreds. Even go for the always enjoyable 20p crazy bets that come in at the thousands, might as well eh?

Now, why am I mentioning this now? Well to this point, bets wise, I've had a pretty succesful week, in my terms that is haha. I changed to PaddyPower instead of WilliamHill this week, mainly because the free match bet that they offered, which I think is £50, ie, you deposit £50 and bet it, they will give you £50 back as a free bet (Win or lose). So, I felt like a bit of fun, a bit of a risk, so I stuck £50 on Barcelona to Beat Bayern Munich in the 2nd leg of the Champions League Semi-Final at the Nou Camp. I then used the free bet of £50 (which is credited to you straight away, which is great unlike Willy Hill) on Bayern Munich to win. In the end if you didn't already know, Bayern won and I ended up cashing in £120, which is great considering my luck!

(Click to enlarge images, my bets)

Since that night (Wednesday?) I've taken £100 out and banked and turned £20 into a further £150! It's been one rollercoaster ride though! I crazily used the £20 on an in-play bet on Mexican, Coloumbian and Chilean games, teams I've never even heard of in my life! I bet through in-play (the games were at the 75-80mins stage) and I backed about 5 teams at £20 for £46. 4 cam ein and 1 was still running 'Jaguares vs Pachucha', I had Jaguares as they were 1-0 to the good with 10mins left, it then went 1-1, and I thought "here we go again", this is the kind of luck I've had for months now, last minute equalisers have been killing me for ages! So I watch the muntes go by 88,89,90,91 and then 92 and it goes 2-1 Jaguares! I was absolutely buzzing, a bit of luck coming in for me, great times! Then I went to sleep haha, long journey.

More on Soccer Saturday though, what a weekend, and its only been Saturday. We had the twists and turns of the championship today and I was glued to it. Every goal that flew in was causign mayhem in the league standings. Final day is always tense, so much drama, but there were sooooo many clubs in the mix on the final day. I remember shouting "Palace, Palace, Palace!" in an English accent (the joy was more coupon related) the emotion had got to us, I felt liek an actual fan, the game ended 3-2 after being 1-0 down 1-1 etc etc, last minute goals for Palace secured a playoff spot for the premiership. Then the Hull City v Watford saga. Hull lost a penalty to Cardiff in the final minutes and it ended 2-2, all Watford had to do was win their game vs Leeds United to clinch 2nd place and the all important automatic promotion spot to the high life of the premiership! The Watford game was abotu 15minutes behind the hull game, they pushed and pushed (with only 10men too) before Leeds hit them on the counter, Ross McCormack chipping the keeper from range, the keeper managed to spill it into hsi net. Saga over, Hull go up. Now personally I would rather Watford went up, they deserved it, better goal difference and they were up in that area all season, Hull cam eout of the blue to be honest, plus I think they are quite a depressing side to watch, like Wigan and Stoke :/

But yeah, what a rollercoast soccer saturday on Sky Sports we had. The covergae as always was excellent, the coupons to hand may have gone bust, but what a day, I felt exhausted after it, I can only imagine how the supporters felt! The premiership just can't compete with that I'm afraid, lower leagues are more exciting, always have been, always will be!

I know this post is different form my usual posts, so sorry for that, I know it might not be interesting if you don't like the footy! Sorry, its a one off.

P.s I don't promote gambling, but if you do it or will do it soon, don't go crazy with stakes and try not to get too involved in it haha, or you;ll turn into a MORE derranged version of me and believe me , you don't want that! Haha

(Unbelievable Jeff! Soccer Saturday's MAIN man!)

Thanks folks

G x

Friday 3 May 2013

Welcome to the BIG World!

Big day today! Handed in my final piece of coursework for my 3rd year at UWS! 1 exam to go, but that should be a degree of BA Business with Management pretty much wrapped up (providing I pass my coursework!). Not much more I can do now, but sit back and hope for the best!

(University of the West of Scotland, Paisley)

Not 100% on the chance of me returning to UWS for my honours year. I would like to do it, chances are I will need it to get any kind of job anyway; but I want to genuinely get a career job before next term, thats the GOAL!

Welcome to the BIG world, its a scary place! Looking at Job titles and descriptions and its daunting. I have spent 3 years at UWS, years I've worked hard and did my best to learn. There is always that fear of; "Will I know what I'm doing? Am I capable of doing a job in the field that I studied?" I would hate to turn up at a job and not know what I was supposed to do, thats the fear that I need to overcome!

Job descriptions and responsibilities state that the candidate would be involved in blah and blah. When reading it all I can make out is blah and blah sometimes, because a lot of the words go in and fly straight back out, I haven't heard of half of the things that you would be required to do, is this just me or is it the same for everyone?

I question job descriptions, will I actually do these things, or will I turn up and be given help to get me going. DO I really need to know the things that are written down, or is something I already know from my own business knowledge, just worded different?

These are some of the barriers I will face in the next few months I reckon, anybody who has been here before me, if you have advice, that would be nice haha.

I'm looking at getting involved in Project Management or Business Development. These seem to be the areas that interest me, I believe I would make a good project manager. I'm generally creative and well organised and on the whole I'm able to take lead/charge of tasks I'm involved in.

If any employer ever reads this, you know how to contact me! ;) (

Ach well, if it doesn't work out, theres always Costa hot chocolates to comfort us eh!

Thanks Folks

G x

Thursday 2 May 2013

Slabs are not Pets, Don't play with them! (GRAPHIC Imagery)

Photos/Pictures placed at the end. If you have a weak stomach/don't like blood, don't scroll too far down! Sorry.

On a summers day in 2010 my life changed! I was in 6th year at Park Mains High School (Erskine, Scotland), in my final/leavers week to be exact. I was casually outside the school theatre playing football (playing wally) with some friends when I had a traumatic experience, I will not be forgetting about it anytime soon let me tell you that!

I was playing on a pathway that ran alongside (the now knocked-down) theatre when the ball came to a halt on the ground. Perfectly positioned for a strike (or so I thought) I took a swing at it. I managed to connect with the ground more than the ball! At the time I wore 'pointy' suit style shoes. Later on I've found that the ball came to a rest on an uneven slab! The tip of my shoe caught the upturned area of the slab, before dragging my foot directly toward the earth, all whilst I was trying to smack a football full pelt off a wall! You can imagine what happened. No? Well let me tell you exactly what went down (Don't worry; I have pictures to show you! Haha).

After hopping down to the school reception (alone I will add), I was driven to the hospital by my good friend A*. I sat in A&E at the Southern General Hospital, Glasgow for about an hour before seeing nurse number 1. At this point I had not taken my shoe off (Wouldn't have been able to get shoe back on because swelling would have occurred, or something like that). I knew I had "broken" my toe back at school, but what I faced was a little bit worse than that! Shoe came off and then the sock.......all I could see was blood, and my toe literally hanging off with a bone sticking out. My toe is actually twitching just writing and thinking about this again, ha!

It turned out, after x-rays etc etc that I had a compound fracture of the great toe. Basically, I had snapped the main tendon in the toe which allowed the bone to pierce the skin which led to fractures of the toe. It looked gruesome. I was treated by two consultants who after injecting the toe with 10+ injections, tried to manoeuvre and wiggle the bone back inside the toe, even under the anaesthetic this was agony! They couldn't do it, surgery was the only option. I went into a ward and wasn't to eat for 24 hours, so my operation was supposed to be the next day. They couldn't get me in the next day, so I waited even longer without food. Finally starving and in pain, I was taken down and put under general anaesthetic (Put to sleep, knocked out etc)."10, 9, 8, 7........ZzzzZzzzzz".

Since then I have a gigantic toe, swollen with scar marks of the surgery. Got arthritis in it and it takes a pounding playing football, which is not ideal for me as I love my sport!

Big thanks to the staff of the Southern General in Glasgow. Thanks to everyone that helped me out back at the school as well (and A*).

Thanks folks

G x

GRAPHIC images coming up, look away if queasy!

(1st sight of the toe after sock came off, sick!)

 (The shiny thing is the bone!)
(K-Wire Pin through the whole toe and stiching)

Wednesday 1 May 2013

ScotRail Should Wear a Mask and a Striped Jumper!

Yesterday was a LOOOOONGGGG day. No, seriously.

I was bang on with my prediction in my "Last Minute Joe" blog the other day. My uni assignment was painful and tedious and took me near enough 12 hours of non-stop panic and stress. Submission day is always like this, but because I was working I never started until 7pm the night before, finishing at 7.30am, 3 hours before hand in time!

Want to know the worst part of it though? It wasn't the 12 hours doing it, but the aftermath. Obviously I was up around 7Am the day before to go to work, so I managed to be up for 24 hours with no sleep just as I finished, then I had to go in to uni and hand it in at 11am. I had, stupidly, agreed the week before to go out with some of the uni lads (Noel Gallagher, Predator and the new inductee, the waterfront!) after hand in as a celebration, not realising I would be knackered. So, basically, I couldn't say no and ended up drinking from about 2, ended up in Glasgow, went for food at CBK (China Buffet King) before heading to Nico's on Sauchiehall Street (one of my favourite bars in Glasgow). Watched the first half of the Champion's League Secong leg Semi-Final Real madrid v Borussia Dortmund. This was me now with no sleep going on 38 hours! I could'nt keep my eyes open.

I bailed. Good thing I did because I managed to fall asleep as soon as I got on the train. I mean 'fall' asleep, I literally collapsed. haha!

So, want some advice? 1st. Don't leave a uni assignment to such a late time (last day is fine, but not last 'night'). 2nd. Don't drink when tired, such a bad mix.

Quick Note: ScotRail are a joke! £4.70 to get up to Glasgow from Paisley at off-peak time! No wonder I never use the train these days, driving is bloody cheaper! Got robbed, almost died when the ticket booth woman said £4.70, "WHAT!!!?". Sort it out ScotRail, we all know your profit margins are huge, get a grip!

Thanks folks

G x

Monday 29 April 2013

Last Minute Joe!

Writing an entry a bit ealier than usual today. Writing it now because I may be in a dark corner crying later, reason for this? Well, in typical Grant Fraser style, I've managed to leave a University assignment to the last minute, AGAIN! 3000 word Business Research Proposal due tomorrow at 11AM! My mother says I should have been named Joe instead of Grant, she's probably right, "Last minute Joe!". Stuck in work until late afternoon as well so it really is LAST MINUTE! I do always say I work better under pressure, but that does not mean I enjoy it! When will I learn not to do this? I do it for literally every assignment at university, yet I've still to get a fail to date, but I really should be getting them done earlier! So, tonight will consist of energy drinks, coffee/tea, lots of munchies, hours of panic, hours of stress and NO fun at all, cannot contain my excitement!!! Stress nation, and I'm the king :/

If I don't post again, you know the score!


Thanks folks

G x

Sunday 28 April 2013

Road rage is NOT cool! Driving in general

Finally accepted that I suffer from sligh road rage! Dependant on what mood I'm in, I can be a real pain on the road! Especially when I'm trying to get somewhere on time (Usually running late! Oops). I hate it when somebody tail-gates you or under/over takes, usually send them a stare when they get stopped at the traffic lights to make them know where we stand!

SLOW drivers kill me! It's a 50mph speed limit for a reason, doing 30 in a 50 and similar situations are NOT acceptable. Getting stuck behind a tractor makes me want to cry as well! Traffic ain't no fun either!

The only thing I have found to combat road rage is music. Calm song makes it worse for me, as the situation is not calm, so its complete contrast and clashes to the mood. A fastsong or something I can sing along to helps! Just genrlly calming myself down is what I've resorted to! Haha

Sound as if I'm a complete idiot on the road but I assure you I'm not. I'm generally a good driver, just on the ODD occasion that I can get like that :/

I've been driving since I was 18, so going on 2 and a half years now on the road. My dad was a rally driver back in his day, so I blame him for the way I drive. I'm generally quite a speedy driver, but not an out of control one!

Currently, I'm driving a Peugeot 207 (Green/Grey) with alloys. Been pretty lucky so far with it (touch wood), only had to replace tyres (1 by a nail, 3 by wear and tear), hopefully I don't need to pay out on it anytime soon! I love my car! I don't knwo what I would do without it, I use it all the time, nothing better than just saying "I fancy a munchy run" and then jumping in the car at midnight in my basketball shorts and heading down to McDonald's and ASDA for some grub! Hot chocolate out of McDonald's is my favourite, you HAVE to get one!

As much as I love my car though, I'm starting to want a new one! Not that I can afford a new car, but I just really want a Hyundai Coupe (New Shape) in black with nice alloys! So dad, if your reading, HELP A KID OUT! ;)

Anyway, morale of the post, don't drive and rage! Stay in school!

Thanks folks

G x

A 'No' Football Saturday?

Saturday normally involves me attending football with my dad and my sister. We all support St.Mirren FC (Paisley, Scotland) who play in the Scottish Premier League (SPL). Being a St.Mirren fan is a funny business. It really is a rollercoaster club to support, so many high's but equally lows :( Can't think of any recent LOW points for now as the buzz factor still remains at St.Mirren after we won the Scottish Communitis League Cup 2013 (Cup Winners!), happy days!

(Supporting the saints at Hampden Park! Me and the dad! COYS)

Decided not to go to the game today. Away day to Hibernian (Edinburgh, Scotland). Struggle to commit to games with the prices that the SPL charges, not value for money for the quality you see! However, fair play to Heart of Midlothian, who, for next week are selling tickets at just £5! Can't wait to get down to Tynecastle, a bit of boasting and ribbing is still to be done (We beat Hearts in the final), and we NEED to finish off Dundee to make our SPL survival complete! Big week ahead for the Saints. COYS!

What I did do was attend my cousins 21st suprise birthday party at my Grans in Mosspark, Glasgow. Majority of the family were there, we're talking your old-school stereotypical Glaswegian family, i.e. 6 aunties and uncles! Haha.

Left around 5 o'clock and headed out with some of the lads from my Uni course. Went to Xscape at Braehead in Glasgow (Well its on the outskirts). Decided on the spot that TGI Friday's was the place we were headed, killing for a mahoosive burger and of course that Jack Daniel's Sauce! Demolished TGI's in Xscape. Went for the meaty 12oz 'The Monster' burger. The burger was the size of my head, couldn't move after it, but I proudly mention that I destroyed it! Empty plates all round, great effort from the lads! We tehn moved on to Wetherspoons (Lord of the Isles, Xscape Braehead) for a few drinks and some chat. As always, when at a table with orange and green people, football chat naturally occurs. I still don't get the obsession that these fans hold! They literally live off of each others words and taunts, weird! Managed to keep my snapchatting up, even with a drink in me! Apologies to all those I harassed with Snaps!

Of course, the drink I went for was a Kopparberg cider (Pear). Best cider out there! Its refreshign and easy to drink, drink it like its apple (or pear) juice! Haha, I LOVE MY CIDER!


(just saying, you agree don't you?)

So, thats about it for today, sitting now writing a wee blog post whilst tipsy! Can't argue with that, succesful Saturday, now on to watch Britain's Got Talent, The Voice UK and Doctor Who, PLAN!

Thanks folks

G x

Saturday 27 April 2013

Apples But No Pears! (Snapchat)

A late entry for today, Now 4.59AM here in Scotland!

Today (Well yesterday, Friday), I finally succumbed to peer pressure by downloading the Google play store app 'Snapchat'. I've been hearing good things about the app for a few weeks, but I've never taken notice until today. I have to say, I'm addicted. Not 'Candy Crush Saga' addicted, but still enough to call it obsession, going on the constant checking of my phone for updates of all my 'snapchat' conversations.

(Snapchat Username: gf92)

No idea what it is? 'Snapchat' is an application, I have it through Google's Play Store for Android (For my HTC Desire S). Its a free to download app that lets you send messages to contacts in the form of pictures/photos/SNAPSHOTS. Best thing is, its free to send, no more paying for Multimedia text messages (MMS)! The app works like this, you take a picture/snap, you can draw on the picture or have a word text message to go with it (if you want either) and then you send it to one of your 'Snapchat' contacts. The unique thing about 'Snapchat' is that when you send an image, you can set a timer for its availability, for example I would send a snap for 4 seconds, the recipient only has 4 seconds of viewing time, after which, they can't view the snap again, unless I resent it. The app is good for a bit of banter, I've had a good laugh with it today with getting most of my family involved in back and forth snapchat convo's. The app is pretty user-friendly and it doesn't take long to understand whats going. It is as an app, gaining a lot of momentum and take up in general for it is still on the rise, so I suggest you get involved! Controversially, I've read and heard about other uses for the app, with the timer/can't see twice feature, some people are using this to their full advantage (Adult Explicit!) Haha. All in all, its a good wee app thats free!

Today, I've managed to get a good of mine to sign up for it as well, Iain didn't disappoint. Had a great laugh with his family and mine getting involved, in a sort of 'Snapchat "Top Trumps". Started off with Iain sending a snap of his brother and him, to which I got my dad involved for the reply, proudly firing thhe 'V' signs back at the duo! Next thing I know, Iain's only gone and got his mum AND dad involved. GAME ON I thought. Suddenly, my two sisters want in, so 'Top Trumps' 4 plays 3! Not only was it 4 people, but it was 4 fruit flies! This reference will be clear in a moment! But, to be fair to our opposing family, the reply killed us, Iain's mum sitting in a christmas sled with his dad wearing a goofy hat! These are the times you wish you COULD save the images you get through snapchat, moments liek that are hard to repeat!

Fair play to them, trumped us with that one!

Although, did manage to catch those fruit flies later on:

(Dad, Vhairi, Julie and Me!) = The Fruit Flies

Get you 5-a-day!
Oh, my snapchat username is "gf92", give me an add! 

Thanks folks!

G x

Friday 26 April 2013

Where have all the Staples Gone?

Today's been a GREAT day! I know what your thinking, "no way! Grant's not moaning about something. What!?", but today was full of good news for me today!

Started off hunting for the Real Radio Renegade! Scottish Radio Station's Renegade was out, and Noel Gallagher, the whaler and myself were on the look out, £1000 at stake, why wouldn't we look about, we thought he was in Paisley (near our University) but he ended up in Dunfermline (Over 2 hours away!) Haha!

So thanks to this, I was 10mins late to my 9am lecture! Walked in to the class, everybody is quiet all writing on pieces of paper, I thought straight away something was up. Normally I avoid the glance from my lecturer for being late, but I couldn't here, he came straight up to me in a mood and handed me a module review survey! Haha, his face and mine! Anyway, left the lecture upbeat knowing what lies ahead for the exam in May and went to the labs in the university campus to put together and complete the Social Marketing group report due for Friday 26th (Today). Had a bit of banter with DJ Nick and the whaler, Noel Gallagher made a cameo appearance. Smashed the report together in a matter of hours, submitted to the plagiarism checker site Turnitin UK. Then to make the day even better, I managed to get the whaler and Noel to come out for lunch at KFC, unheard of in these parts! Haha. Chicken and banter, where nicknames for the blog were finalised (Noel and the whaler etc :) )

Went home to find I had been awarded 67% (a solid B1) grade for a previous group report, great result! This ties in with 90% for a class test, which I was awarded on Tuesday. All in all, its been a good wek for the efforts I've been putting in at university this trimester. Then I checked the submitted report from earlier to get the originality mark, "4% similarity", this is a great score, so I know I referenced the report properly, happy Grant!

Since then, I've sat happily watching TV and videos, currently sitting with NFL Game Pass hooked up to the TV while I right this blog! Got to keep updated with the NFL Draft 2013! 1st Pick this year has to be an O-Lineman!

Although one panic moment! Report is due tomorrow, I printed it all off after cutting down on word count, found 2 staplers, but NOT ONE STAPLE!

Absolute panic, needed to staple the report together, a feeling of closure would be brought from this! I wanted a staple badly! Hunted through drawers and boxes, no sign! :(

Made the informed decision to drive out to ASDA Linwood, drove miles wasted petrol, just to get a STAPLE, I must be obsessed! Haha, job done but and now a HAPPY GRANT!

P.s. Staples are poor quality and now the report has numerous holes punched through it where failed stapleage attempts remain! :( oh dear

(Thanks Scott and Iain, the whaler and Noel G!)

Thanks folks

G x

Wednesday 24 April 2013

My day

Well, today's been busy as well! Non-stop at the moment because of work and university as I've mentioned before. Today consisted of sitting in work for a 4 hour shift, doing nothing, just waiting around for the non-existent custoemrs to appear! Poor start to the day. Got home around 2.30pm, went down to the Walkway/Waterfront down by the River Clyde (Scotland), in my town (Erskine, Scotland). Obviously I was bored and avoiding the report I had to write up, as I decided it would be a good idea to go for a run! Did a mile, knackered (beyond unfit right now). Been in the house since then writing a 'group' report, you all know how much I love it! I hate becoming a leader in a uni group, I know it make me look like a dictator and I hate coming across bad at any point to anyone in any situation. But, as you will already probably know from My 'University life' blog post, I've no choice! Had to sort things out again, stress created where not needed to be!

I say I've been actively doing university projects all day, but I havent half distracted myself today. Like any student, I do anything when studying or writing reports (like goign for jogs :S ). I managed to spend over an hour watching YouTube videos, addicted to 'Epic rap battles of History' videos at the moment. Really funny videos with rap battles between charatcers liek Adolf Hitler and Dart Vader, lighthearted videos that make fun out of characters and life, great fun watch! Look them up!

I even managed to get into some weird trance like state whilst listening to my iPod today! Was belting out songs full blast in my ear and signing at teh top of my voice! Trust me, thats not something you want to hear! Was in this mood for about 10 minutes before the sister came bursting in to tell me to "Shut it!" and not in such polite terms! Haha!

One song that I was stuck to, kept replaying it, which had the following verse in it;
 "...try to keep up with me because I can give you some, all that you need, I give you such a rush, baby step up your game, keep up with my pace, girl I know that you want it, don;t hesitate!"
Checked the song out on youtube, found out its called "Speed Up" by Funkerman. Dance back track, but it was really the lyrics I was enjoying. I foudn the original video on Youtube but it was actually a mix I was listenign to by the ministry of sound, in their 'Mashup' Running Trax' album by the cut up boys. Really enjoyed it, smooth and relaxing with meaning!
Infact; (lyrics about 1minute in)
Have a listen, see if you agree!
Anyway, reports are done and finalisied, can relax for a couple of days until the next one gets closer (due next Tuesday!) So yeha, pretty happy now, writing my blog whilst listening to my new track! Brilliant!
See you later
G x

Student Life. University Stress and life...

Its that time of year for me! University courseworks piling up, constant panic that I don't know what I'm doing, I get stressed, I don't work as much and I'm on edge. This year though, I've been fairly chilled/relaxed, I mean, I've always approached things in a laid back way, but not during submission days. When it comes to group work, I'm fairly relaxed, this gets right under some university group members skin though, but its my way, I've never let a group down, my work is in before deadline and is always immaculate, well presented, articulated and organised. This may sound arrogant, but if I'm in a group of yours for any project, you should count yourself lucky, I usually raise standards.

My stress levels only increase from working WITH others (in university), when I see another persons work I cannot help but rearrange, spell check and 're-grammatise' (i know this isn't a word) their work! I like things doen a specific way, again arrogantly, the right way, my way. It's the FEAR of someonelses poor work bringing down my grade, after all the effort I put in!

I remember this module in University (University of the West of Scotland) about Business Globalization. I was in a group of 5, where I was the only British student, the only one who had been through the 3 year process at UWS. I knew how UWS like things done, referencing Harvard style etc, how to format things. I found this module the most difficult of all my 3 years. First of all, the communication barrier was there, but we got the work done, but I just remember telling group members to send me their specific sections to myself, adn I would put it all together and submit it. I ENDED UP DOING THE WHOLE REPORT. A 3000 worder on a subject I struggled with in 2 days, my stress levels were through the roof. I mean, I took their work, re-wrote it to make grammatical sense, to make it readable. It took hours. WHY would the university throw Erasmus students in with 3rd year degree students without choice. In hindsight, whilst understanding the concept of working with new people, from different cultures and the whole 'International' aspect of the task, I just feel it was so unfair! These students were on placement for the year, whereas we FULL-TIME UWS students were in our 3rd and FINAL degree year at the uni. Mixing us with foreign students should have been done in lesser years liek 1st or 2nd year. I just feel this mix hindered my grade and potentially my final degree level, which is still to be attained (Honours). Anyway, I worked tirelessly, with no real help, submitted it and 'we' (Ha!), gained a B2 grade, which to me is liek a fail (I hate getting less than a B1).

Again, I am going through group work at the moment, its proving very testing, struggling to accept standards, I WON'T accept lesser marks anymore, so I'm doing a dictator like thing :/ Sounds bad, but I want my A's!

Stress, Stress and more stress. Life's great, don't think I've looked outside or had a drink with any of my mates in the past month, probably why I've resorted to bloody blogging! Thanks university! Ruining social lifes since 2010! Haha.

I'm kidding, I love it really!

Cheers for allowing me to bore you again!

G x

Tuesday 23 April 2013


Hello, I'm Grant Fraser from Glasgow in Scotland. I am a 20 year old business student currently studying at the University of the West of Scotland, specificaly in my degree year/3rd year aiming for a BA Business Studies with Management. I'm fairly new to blogging in general, something I've never really understood until this year during the course of an e-Marketing or 'Digital' Marketing module/class in which 'us' students created teams of bloggers to which we all created team blogs. The blog I contribute to is known as 'The Glasgow Experience', have a look at our stuff, we review Glasgow as a whole, it's nightclubs, restaurants, hotels, bars and event venues, there really is a lot of information on it.

Now I thought it was time to give my own personal blog a bash, a way of expressing my opinions and experiences, give the old head a good clearing out now and again! God knows we all need to just let everything out once in a while!

So who am I? Well, I'm just a young guy, currently studying and working away for now. I work within one of Scotland's leading sport teamwear companies, I really enjoy what I do at the moment, but I'm reaching that crucial and equally terrifying stage of finishing university. What will I do once I have my degree? I've never thought of myself as a Full-time retail sales assistant, no bashing on these guys, as I know many and they're all great people loving what they do and they're great at it too! I just don't know if I have the strength for it, for the rest of my life. I went to university to reach places, to get a good job, money doesn't drive me, I would much rather a job where I enjoy what I do. I've always had a passion for Business, when I was younger I was always thinking of business ideas, making business plans and such, I even applied for the BBC's first ever season of the 'Young Apprentice', I was pretty chuffed with reaching the 3rd round of auditions as well, they probably just caught a glimpse of me in the video recording audition (round 2) and thought, "this kid's acne won't make it to the boardroom!". What drives me is business, I love the idea of taking something from scratch and building it up to a success. This is possible in business, and has always been my way of thinking. Going through the process of Uni has helped me specify where I want to head, a goal/aim is a great way of setting yourself in the right frame of mind, only in the past year have I thought about a 'career', but since, my university studies have become more important to me, now, I'm really learning and trying my best to put things into practice. I know now that I want to get involved in the football industry, working within the offices of a football club or a footballing organisation or body. Ideally, I believe I would enjoy and prosper in the commercial side of things for football, marketing and business development in particular, seem to be my areas of ambition. So, thats the goal, get into football, or equally any sporting industry like Rugby or similar, just somewhere I can work and really feel that I'm progressing within.

Managed to ramble on, always do it. That's my studies and work ambition, but I'm not all work and no play. I love watching films, in fact I was working in a cinema last summer! Free films and half price food, what more can a film lover ask for! Crimson Tide is a film that I have always enjoyed, its easily on a view count of 1-200 views for myself, the film plays keenly to my film interests, a good war film, intense, great characterisation, some comedy and of course, Big Denzel Washington, an absolute hero!

I mentioned earlier about my involvement in the project blog 'The Glasgow Experience', well that was my idea, it involves a lot of personal experience from all involved. Theres nothing better than a night out on the town on a busy weekend in Glasgow. Its one of the best cities in the world, with the best people, I should know, I'm one of them! Glasgwegian and proud! So as you may have guessed, as well as movies, going out, hanging with close friends and having a good old drink, a dance and a sing song are up there with my interests!

Sports-wise, I've played football (soccer) since I started walking, greatest sport in the world! I support St.Mirren Football Club (Scotland) and Scotland of course. I played for my primary school team, but never really managed to keep going with it, when I moved to high school I changed, my outgoing nature seemed to disappear pretty quickly, no idea why, but to this day I think thats a major reason why I never moved into a proper boys club, otherwise I'd still be playing football 11-a-side to this day, one of my biggest mistakes and regrets.

However, I began playing American football in University for the UWS Pyros, while it may not be as big in the UK, American Football is an amazing sport. Next step is Senior football after University, but money is holding me back big time, I just cant afford to play the sport right now, or do much else! I started off on D-Line/O-Line, but I just didn't enjoy it personally, this year, I moved to Tight End (TE) and Outside Linebacker (OLB), the game took a whole new level of enjoyment, but I had to stop mid-season, back problems and money issues played a part, Chiropractor sessions didn't work, but Physiotherapy sessions, immobilizing the back joints and muscles, 1 session a week for 10 weeks, seems to have really helped me out, thanks to the NHS!

A good old ramble on there don't want to bore anybody :/ Just a good way for me to get stuff out to be honest!


Oh, and Will Ferrell is a legend! Obviously