Monday 29 April 2013

Last Minute Joe!

Writing an entry a bit ealier than usual today. Writing it now because I may be in a dark corner crying later, reason for this? Well, in typical Grant Fraser style, I've managed to leave a University assignment to the last minute, AGAIN! 3000 word Business Research Proposal due tomorrow at 11AM! My mother says I should have been named Joe instead of Grant, she's probably right, "Last minute Joe!". Stuck in work until late afternoon as well so it really is LAST MINUTE! I do always say I work better under pressure, but that does not mean I enjoy it! When will I learn not to do this? I do it for literally every assignment at university, yet I've still to get a fail to date, but I really should be getting them done earlier! So, tonight will consist of energy drinks, coffee/tea, lots of munchies, hours of panic, hours of stress and NO fun at all, cannot contain my excitement!!! Stress nation, and I'm the king :/

If I don't post again, you know the score!


Thanks folks

G x

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