Sunday 28 April 2013

A 'No' Football Saturday?

Saturday normally involves me attending football with my dad and my sister. We all support St.Mirren FC (Paisley, Scotland) who play in the Scottish Premier League (SPL). Being a St.Mirren fan is a funny business. It really is a rollercoaster club to support, so many high's but equally lows :( Can't think of any recent LOW points for now as the buzz factor still remains at St.Mirren after we won the Scottish Communitis League Cup 2013 (Cup Winners!), happy days!

(Supporting the saints at Hampden Park! Me and the dad! COYS)

Decided not to go to the game today. Away day to Hibernian (Edinburgh, Scotland). Struggle to commit to games with the prices that the SPL charges, not value for money for the quality you see! However, fair play to Heart of Midlothian, who, for next week are selling tickets at just £5! Can't wait to get down to Tynecastle, a bit of boasting and ribbing is still to be done (We beat Hearts in the final), and we NEED to finish off Dundee to make our SPL survival complete! Big week ahead for the Saints. COYS!

What I did do was attend my cousins 21st suprise birthday party at my Grans in Mosspark, Glasgow. Majority of the family were there, we're talking your old-school stereotypical Glaswegian family, i.e. 6 aunties and uncles! Haha.

Left around 5 o'clock and headed out with some of the lads from my Uni course. Went to Xscape at Braehead in Glasgow (Well its on the outskirts). Decided on the spot that TGI Friday's was the place we were headed, killing for a mahoosive burger and of course that Jack Daniel's Sauce! Demolished TGI's in Xscape. Went for the meaty 12oz 'The Monster' burger. The burger was the size of my head, couldn't move after it, but I proudly mention that I destroyed it! Empty plates all round, great effort from the lads! We tehn moved on to Wetherspoons (Lord of the Isles, Xscape Braehead) for a few drinks and some chat. As always, when at a table with orange and green people, football chat naturally occurs. I still don't get the obsession that these fans hold! They literally live off of each others words and taunts, weird! Managed to keep my snapchatting up, even with a drink in me! Apologies to all those I harassed with Snaps!

Of course, the drink I went for was a Kopparberg cider (Pear). Best cider out there! Its refreshign and easy to drink, drink it like its apple (or pear) juice! Haha, I LOVE MY CIDER!


(just saying, you agree don't you?)

So, thats about it for today, sitting now writing a wee blog post whilst tipsy! Can't argue with that, succesful Saturday, now on to watch Britain's Got Talent, The Voice UK and Doctor Who, PLAN!

Thanks folks

G x

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