Tuesday 23 April 2013


Hello, I'm Grant Fraser from Glasgow in Scotland. I am a 20 year old business student currently studying at the University of the West of Scotland, specificaly in my degree year/3rd year aiming for a BA Business Studies with Management. I'm fairly new to blogging in general, something I've never really understood until this year during the course of an e-Marketing or 'Digital' Marketing module/class in which 'us' students created teams of bloggers to which we all created team blogs. The blog I contribute to is known as 'The Glasgow Experience', have a look at our stuff, we review Glasgow as a whole, it's nightclubs, restaurants, hotels, bars and event venues, there really is a lot of information on it.

Now I thought it was time to give my own personal blog a bash, a way of expressing my opinions and experiences, give the old head a good clearing out now and again! God knows we all need to just let everything out once in a while!

So who am I? Well, I'm just a young guy, currently studying and working away for now. I work within one of Scotland's leading sport teamwear companies, I really enjoy what I do at the moment, but I'm reaching that crucial and equally terrifying stage of finishing university. What will I do once I have my degree? I've never thought of myself as a Full-time retail sales assistant, no bashing on these guys, as I know many and they're all great people loving what they do and they're great at it too! I just don't know if I have the strength for it, for the rest of my life. I went to university to reach places, to get a good job, money doesn't drive me, I would much rather a job where I enjoy what I do. I've always had a passion for Business, when I was younger I was always thinking of business ideas, making business plans and such, I even applied for the BBC's first ever season of the 'Young Apprentice', I was pretty chuffed with reaching the 3rd round of auditions as well, they probably just caught a glimpse of me in the video recording audition (round 2) and thought, "this kid's acne won't make it to the boardroom!". What drives me is business, I love the idea of taking something from scratch and building it up to a success. This is possible in business, and has always been my way of thinking. Going through the process of Uni has helped me specify where I want to head, a goal/aim is a great way of setting yourself in the right frame of mind, only in the past year have I thought about a 'career', but since, my university studies have become more important to me, now, I'm really learning and trying my best to put things into practice. I know now that I want to get involved in the football industry, working within the offices of a football club or a footballing organisation or body. Ideally, I believe I would enjoy and prosper in the commercial side of things for football, marketing and business development in particular, seem to be my areas of ambition. So, thats the goal, get into football, or equally any sporting industry like Rugby or similar, just somewhere I can work and really feel that I'm progressing within.

Managed to ramble on, always do it. That's my studies and work ambition, but I'm not all work and no play. I love watching films, in fact I was working in a cinema last summer! Free films and half price food, what more can a film lover ask for! Crimson Tide is a film that I have always enjoyed, its easily on a view count of 1-200 views for myself, the film plays keenly to my film interests, a good war film, intense, great characterisation, some comedy and of course, Big Denzel Washington, an absolute hero!

I mentioned earlier about my involvement in the project blog 'The Glasgow Experience', well that was my idea, it involves a lot of personal experience from all involved. Theres nothing better than a night out on the town on a busy weekend in Glasgow. Its one of the best cities in the world, with the best people, I should know, I'm one of them! Glasgwegian and proud! So as you may have guessed, as well as movies, going out, hanging with close friends and having a good old drink, a dance and a sing song are up there with my interests!

Sports-wise, I've played football (soccer) since I started walking, greatest sport in the world! I support St.Mirren Football Club (Scotland) and Scotland of course. I played for my primary school team, but never really managed to keep going with it, when I moved to high school I changed, my outgoing nature seemed to disappear pretty quickly, no idea why, but to this day I think thats a major reason why I never moved into a proper boys club, otherwise I'd still be playing football 11-a-side to this day, one of my biggest mistakes and regrets.

However, I began playing American football in University for the UWS Pyros, while it may not be as big in the UK, American Football is an amazing sport. Next step is Senior football after University, but money is holding me back big time, I just cant afford to play the sport right now, or do much else! I started off on D-Line/O-Line, but I just didn't enjoy it personally, this year, I moved to Tight End (TE) and Outside Linebacker (OLB), the game took a whole new level of enjoyment, but I had to stop mid-season, back problems and money issues played a part, Chiropractor sessions didn't work, but Physiotherapy sessions, immobilizing the back joints and muscles, 1 session a week for 10 weeks, seems to have really helped me out, thanks to the NHS!

A good old ramble on there don't want to bore anybody :/ Just a good way for me to get stuff out to be honest!


Oh, and Will Ferrell is a legend! Obviously

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