Wednesday 24 April 2013

Student Life. University Stress and life...

Its that time of year for me! University courseworks piling up, constant panic that I don't know what I'm doing, I get stressed, I don't work as much and I'm on edge. This year though, I've been fairly chilled/relaxed, I mean, I've always approached things in a laid back way, but not during submission days. When it comes to group work, I'm fairly relaxed, this gets right under some university group members skin though, but its my way, I've never let a group down, my work is in before deadline and is always immaculate, well presented, articulated and organised. This may sound arrogant, but if I'm in a group of yours for any project, you should count yourself lucky, I usually raise standards.

My stress levels only increase from working WITH others (in university), when I see another persons work I cannot help but rearrange, spell check and 're-grammatise' (i know this isn't a word) their work! I like things doen a specific way, again arrogantly, the right way, my way. It's the FEAR of someonelses poor work bringing down my grade, after all the effort I put in!

I remember this module in University (University of the West of Scotland) about Business Globalization. I was in a group of 5, where I was the only British student, the only one who had been through the 3 year process at UWS. I knew how UWS like things done, referencing Harvard style etc, how to format things. I found this module the most difficult of all my 3 years. First of all, the communication barrier was there, but we got the work done, but I just remember telling group members to send me their specific sections to myself, adn I would put it all together and submit it. I ENDED UP DOING THE WHOLE REPORT. A 3000 worder on a subject I struggled with in 2 days, my stress levels were through the roof. I mean, I took their work, re-wrote it to make grammatical sense, to make it readable. It took hours. WHY would the university throw Erasmus students in with 3rd year degree students without choice. In hindsight, whilst understanding the concept of working with new people, from different cultures and the whole 'International' aspect of the task, I just feel it was so unfair! These students were on placement for the year, whereas we FULL-TIME UWS students were in our 3rd and FINAL degree year at the uni. Mixing us with foreign students should have been done in lesser years liek 1st or 2nd year. I just feel this mix hindered my grade and potentially my final degree level, which is still to be attained (Honours). Anyway, I worked tirelessly, with no real help, submitted it and 'we' (Ha!), gained a B2 grade, which to me is liek a fail (I hate getting less than a B1).

Again, I am going through group work at the moment, its proving very testing, struggling to accept standards, I WON'T accept lesser marks anymore, so I'm doing a dictator like thing :/ Sounds bad, but I want my A's!

Stress, Stress and more stress. Life's great, don't think I've looked outside or had a drink with any of my mates in the past month, probably why I've resorted to bloody blogging! Thanks university! Ruining social lifes since 2010! Haha.

I'm kidding, I love it really!

Cheers for allowing me to bore you again!

G x

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