Sunday 28 April 2013

Road rage is NOT cool! Driving in general

Finally accepted that I suffer from sligh road rage! Dependant on what mood I'm in, I can be a real pain on the road! Especially when I'm trying to get somewhere on time (Usually running late! Oops). I hate it when somebody tail-gates you or under/over takes, usually send them a stare when they get stopped at the traffic lights to make them know where we stand!

SLOW drivers kill me! It's a 50mph speed limit for a reason, doing 30 in a 50 and similar situations are NOT acceptable. Getting stuck behind a tractor makes me want to cry as well! Traffic ain't no fun either!

The only thing I have found to combat road rage is music. Calm song makes it worse for me, as the situation is not calm, so its complete contrast and clashes to the mood. A fastsong or something I can sing along to helps! Just genrlly calming myself down is what I've resorted to! Haha

Sound as if I'm a complete idiot on the road but I assure you I'm not. I'm generally a good driver, just on the ODD occasion that I can get like that :/

I've been driving since I was 18, so going on 2 and a half years now on the road. My dad was a rally driver back in his day, so I blame him for the way I drive. I'm generally quite a speedy driver, but not an out of control one!

Currently, I'm driving a Peugeot 207 (Green/Grey) with alloys. Been pretty lucky so far with it (touch wood), only had to replace tyres (1 by a nail, 3 by wear and tear), hopefully I don't need to pay out on it anytime soon! I love my car! I don't knwo what I would do without it, I use it all the time, nothing better than just saying "I fancy a munchy run" and then jumping in the car at midnight in my basketball shorts and heading down to McDonald's and ASDA for some grub! Hot chocolate out of McDonald's is my favourite, you HAVE to get one!

As much as I love my car though, I'm starting to want a new one! Not that I can afford a new car, but I just really want a Hyundai Coupe (New Shape) in black with nice alloys! So dad, if your reading, HELP A KID OUT! ;)

Anyway, morale of the post, don't drive and rage! Stay in school!

Thanks folks

G x

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