Wednesday 8 May 2013

Drink Responsibly

I went up-town for a friend's 21st on Sunday (Bank Holiday Weekend). We all went to Kushion in Glasgow where we had a private booth. We all had a cracking night, knocking back the drinks and getting a dance in here and there (most dancing took place on the booth table!). It was the aftermath though that inspired this post.

I haven't put up a blog in a few days, thats because on the Monday (and through to today) the last thing I wanted to do was write a blog! The hangover was probably the worst one to date! We normally hit the drink hard on a night out but on Sunday I must have had about 5 different types of drink. I started off with a Mojito pre-mixed Bacardi bottle which was 14.9%, it wasn't nice at all, I had to add Lemonade to make it drinkable! (Cheers Pouty McPouterpants for the Lemonade).

Then it was on to Nico's Bar on Sauchiehall Street for more pre-drinks. Races for drinking their 'Adios M****rF****r' (A mixed drink of vodka, gin, tequila & blue carracau) were not a bright idea looking back. After having two of them I had 2 jagerbombs after that. Looking at it now, can't even believe we got in to Kushion, must have been a riot by the time 11.300 came around.

Then Kushion itself, one of my favourite clubs in Glasgow. Usually go on a Tuesday for their 'Juicy Tuesdays' night as its always packed and a good night. This was a special Kushion vs Tingle (Tingle Shooter Bar, Glasgow) night. Tingle were in the house and naturally we had some of their shots on offer. Then on to the regular Vodka Lemonades for the rest of the night. The rest of the nights a bit of a blur, can only rememebr dancing on the booth table sure.

What I do remember is the Monday. Felt ill, don't normally suffer from hangovers, but this was somethingelse. Can rememeber getting 'SnapChats' all day from everybody, just non-stop pictures of 'dead' looking people. Everybody hit it hard and suffered too. What a night though, great times and celebrating the Pouters birthday was good.

Happy Birthday Scotty Pout Face!

Thanks folks

G x

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