Monday 13 May 2013

Bring back the 'BOWL' Mullet Haircut!

What is it about a haircut? To me, there's not many feelings like having your hair cut. Its a weird thing, I've spoken to some people who agree that whenever you get a fresh hair cut, you don't just get a new hair cut but also, it would appear you become more attentive, focussed and motivated. That might sound strange but honestly I believe this to be true. I had my hair cut on Sunday, since then I've managed to apply for numerous jobs, focus on my studies for my exam and generally feel more positive. With a new hair cut comes a feeling of freshness, I'm more organised, clean cut (in hair and in mind) and I'm definitely more focussed. You may be reading this thinking I'm nuts, fair enough. Honestly though, try and realise/look out for these kind of traits after your next hair cut.

Now I have very fair blonde hair. I've had so many styles throughout my childhood, going back to the classic 'BOWL Mullet' like cut when I was young to the the clean sideshed of today. Hair styles change all the time, things change all the time, thats soemthing I find pretty cool.

I love a hair-cut is basically what I'm saying!

For fun:

(BOWL Mullet cut, back in the day)

(Fresh cut)
Thanks folks
G x

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