Friday 3 May 2013

Welcome to the BIG World!

Big day today! Handed in my final piece of coursework for my 3rd year at UWS! 1 exam to go, but that should be a degree of BA Business with Management pretty much wrapped up (providing I pass my coursework!). Not much more I can do now, but sit back and hope for the best!

(University of the West of Scotland, Paisley)

Not 100% on the chance of me returning to UWS for my honours year. I would like to do it, chances are I will need it to get any kind of job anyway; but I want to genuinely get a career job before next term, thats the GOAL!

Welcome to the BIG world, its a scary place! Looking at Job titles and descriptions and its daunting. I have spent 3 years at UWS, years I've worked hard and did my best to learn. There is always that fear of; "Will I know what I'm doing? Am I capable of doing a job in the field that I studied?" I would hate to turn up at a job and not know what I was supposed to do, thats the fear that I need to overcome!

Job descriptions and responsibilities state that the candidate would be involved in blah and blah. When reading it all I can make out is blah and blah sometimes, because a lot of the words go in and fly straight back out, I haven't heard of half of the things that you would be required to do, is this just me or is it the same for everyone?

I question job descriptions, will I actually do these things, or will I turn up and be given help to get me going. DO I really need to know the things that are written down, or is something I already know from my own business knowledge, just worded different?

These are some of the barriers I will face in the next few months I reckon, anybody who has been here before me, if you have advice, that would be nice haha.

I'm looking at getting involved in Project Management or Business Development. These seem to be the areas that interest me, I believe I would make a good project manager. I'm generally creative and well organised and on the whole I'm able to take lead/charge of tasks I'm involved in.

If any employer ever reads this, you know how to contact me! ;) (

Ach well, if it doesn't work out, theres always Costa hot chocolates to comfort us eh!

Thanks Folks

G x

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