Monday 27 May 2013

What lurks beneath? Nae worries the Sheriffs will Seize them!

I'm addicted right now! Loving my days off and my Sky + box, Why? Well its down to two reasons; "River Monsters" and "The Sheriff's are Coming". Watched every show of both these tele programmes.

(River Monsters)

River Monsters is basically a show where the main guy (Jeremy Wade) goes out and hunts down the 'monsters' of the worlds rivers. He tracks stories and tales of giant and killer fish and goes to extreme lengths to catch them, no matter how 'rare' or difficult they are to find. I've read up on the show, it has a lot of critics but to be honest, I'm not really bothered by how 'inaccurate' or 'false' the show is, its great telly!

Jeremy Wade is a nutter! I remember the 'Piranha' episode and the mental-case gets in a swimming pool alongside an entire pack of piranha, I mean, who does that!? Obviously it was to prove a point that they are not the cold hearted killers as portrayed in hollywood blockbusters like 'Piranha' which was a horrifically terrible film :/

Its crazy to think some of these fish live in the water. I'm Scottish so I know of the legend of teh 'Loch Ness Monster' or "Nessy" as we all call him, but soem of the 'creatures' he pulls out of the water are terrifying. He's holding a piranha in the picture above (not a red-bellied one, another one, look at the fangs :S).

Overall, the show is great! The main guy as I said is one heck of a character, the camera work is superb and the fish caught are crazy!

I'm not exactly a fish-lover or an angler so its strange that i'm enjoying the show so much, maybe its the natural fear and wonder of "What is out there?"

You can CATCH this show on ITV. (See what I did there?)

(The Sheriffs are Coming)

My other favourite show right now involves County sheriffs chasing up wrong-dooers for payment of owed money. The show is good, I wouldn't say better than River Monsters, but they are totally different shows. Like River Monsters I have watched every show available, addict! I love watching the 'bad guy' getting pulled up and having to pay up! Basically things like "A builder took the money but didn't finish the job" and work tribunal related stories are the main topics of the show. Sheriff's have greater powers than bailiffs and can get in to properties and seize goods if the target doesn't pay up. The guys involved in this program are characters as well, usually good for a laugh and know their stuff!

You can catch this show on the BBC

Thats all today, I'm off to the Florida to catch some snakeheads with Jeremy Wade! Thats a fish btw!

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